Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Colorado Whitewater Rafting Terminology for beginners

Boat & Equipment Terminology

Paddle: A paddle held in the hands, not attached to the boat, used to paddle. Can be single-bladed (for rafting and canoeing) or double-bladed (for kayaking, solo cats, inflatable kayaks)

Paddle Boat:
A raft with a crew of paddlers and a guide.

Oar: A long blade, attached to the boat by an oarlock on thole pin, and used to row.

Oar Rig: A boat rigged with oars, so one person sitting in the center of the boat can row.

Stern Rig, Paddle Assist: An oar/paddle boat, in which the guide has oars and frame in the stern, and thecrew, sitting forward, has paddles. Ofen used on high water.

Bow: The front of the boat.
Stern: The rear of the boat.

Duckie, Inflatable Kayak, Funyak, Splashyak: A one or two person inflatable boat, usually paddled with double bladed paddles.

Cataraft: An inflatable boat with two pontoons.

Solo Cat: A one-person cataraft paddled with a double-bladed paddle.

Hoopi: Tubular webbing used for multiple purposes in rigging and preparing boats. Some into Colorado Whitewater Rafting do not know this term.

A clip, used to secure items into the boat, and to construct safety and rescue systems.

Wet Suit:
A neoprene rubber suit which allows a small amount of water in, to help retain body heat.

Dry Suit:
A suit designed to keep all water out, under which any amount of layered clothing can be worn.

Dry Bag,
Day Bag:
A bag for keeping gear in on the river, to help keep things dry (but probably not 100%)

Life Jacket: A personal floatation device, coast guard approved, and worn like a vest.

1 comment:

  1. White water rafting is suitable for all age groups as various types of rapids are available for different tastes and experience. Almost anyone with a reasonable health can go for white water rafting.

    White Water Rafting Grand Canyon
